I made this walktrhough o help users who find it difficult to cope with the madness accelerant game. It may have some errors so please comment to help me improve it. I do not compete against other walkthorughs. Everyone is free to choose what solution he wants.
First, we talk about weapons:
1. Standard rifle:
YOu get this weapon when you start the game and when you respawn if you die in-game. It does standard damage and it is normal for all.
This is best for fighting henchmen. It has a wide range and kills them fast. It is good against tricky but be sure you cans ee what he plans behind your flames.
My favorite. It does strong damage from point blank range and it is good both for henchmen and tricky. Henchmen are killed like n00bs close to this weapon and it is very good because it throws them away and they cannot pounch you.
A standard weapon that fits best for henchmen because of its speed. It can be used against tricky but do no expect to win him with that weapon.
Machine gun:
This is a masterpiece. It does extreme damage and knocks back all of enemies. It can hold you in mid air shooting and this helps avoid tricky's ground attacks. You should feel lucky if you find it:D
I will not discuss this further. Pistols suck. They have low ammo, they do little damage and they have an accuracy that sometimes misses even tricky. If you have one, just use it to push back henchmen because they can knock back their targets.
Greande Launcher:
This is another masterpiece. It does extreme damage and has a big splash damage that helps you puch tricky's headaway and deal with henchmen. But use its average ammo wisely.
Edit: An update has been done. Now, you can change weapons by pressing the D button and you can increase the ammo with same weapons. This is usefull, for helping you keep the chainsaw or having enough ammo for a boss.
Edit2: I got some info on the chainsaw. You may usually mindlessly killing and pushing everyone with it, but it just does extreme damage and you have to sawing henchmen not for much time to conserve the saw's energy.
Also, MAJOR UPDATE:TomFulp heard our prays and added point n' click mouse shooting. This can be a litlle tricky, because there is no cursor, but the good is this: You can always aim tricky or everyone who is underneath you. With a little practice, mouse aiming makes everything better;)
This was it for the weapons. Let's move to the funny side.
When you start the game, you start with a boss fight o_0 so BE prepared. At first stage, the place is tight and your best bet is either staying at corner that does not spawn hechmen or stay at the center. The secret at winning the whole game is tricky's fists. In each encounter, the timing between you and tricky's fists is the MOST esential piece of the game and I guess you have understanded that the double jump is your best friend here.
To fight at the first tricky fight, you will need strong stuff. The first henchman with the flamethrower provides you with it but beware. Kill him from afar, see tricky's hand raise, move towards the flamethrower when the fist is unleased a you(before it hits you of course). Then jump at his face and shoop da woop him. Watch for the henchmen coming and always conserve ammo for them. Having to fight a henchman with your fists will certainly cost you a health point at minimum.
After you make tricky throw you away, things are simple. Go in front of the door the n00b henchmen are coming to you. Attack with the weapon from last tricky fight and continue. Do not be afraid. They shoot you some seconds after they get out.
Get in there and do the same on the tight hallway. It is easy, but be sure you do not enter the next room before you have a gun full of ammo and NOT a pistol, for god's sake it is useless.
When you enter the stairway, a starter would spam incoming enemies and kill them all. THIS IS EPUC FAILURE. Because if you do this, you reamain wothout guns because all the guns dissapear with the corpses. And then tricky pops up and you wet yourself. You must proceed and kill everyone threats you so when tricky comes you have a gun ready to show to him . The tactic here is to see when tricky's fists charge and gat a lilltle back. You know that then it is time for double jump. If you double jump at a style 1,2 double jump-1,2 double jump, the tricky kills the henchmen and you pick the weapons and you can face him there wothout loosing a single health point and this is important.
Then hurry fast to the elevator. At the elevator things get difficult. Keep the hotdig if you are at grave health. There, you must beat tricky till his health gets around 600. This is one of the most difficult stages. The difficult part is to avoid tricky. Do not get tricked that corners are safe. The fists cathc you there too. As I said the whole game is a matter of synchronisation. See how long the fists get to lock on you and avoid them a second after you see the fists at top height. The tirck there is to let tricky pounch the ground and own him with your gun at from the central hole. It is very difficult to fight guards at the elevator because if the pounch you, you remain exposed to tricky's fists. Also, to avoid the flame breath, see when his head rises, and then after you see it go below a non hole elevator part. The flame does you nothing there. When you beat tricky proceed.
You will find henchmen. Own them freely. Then watch out for the glowy bastard. This place of the game is the one that requires the most synchronisation. When the tricky's head, moves slightly backwards, it is an alert for pipe grabbing. When you grab the pipe shoot him. Do not shoot him when you are on the ground because you mostly miss. When you see tricky's fist at the back ready to launch, it is too late. The aura of the fist hits you and you fell down. Keep the hotdogs if you have encouraging health and use them at emergency. The fire breath can be easily spotted by wacthing tricky's mouth. The guards die from lava too, so ammo is no object here.
After this, you go to a tight room. This is easy. Grab your p90, and own everybody:D. For the big guy, do not worry. He will shot you only when he reloads the shotgun. Just make sure he aims the guards and own. Kill everyone with th p90 you will gain from the last ight and then kill moar guys with the chainsaw. Proceed and facerape the bastard. When you reach the lower room drop the chainsaw own everybody with a shotgun, get back the saw and go to the next room.
Here there is a tricky trick. Go just in the place tricky is. Jump and whilst holding the down arrow, be chainsawing him. Wacth when he turns his head to breathe fire, and that's it. He can do nothing to you. But if you have not the chainsaw, there is another way. Be always far from him, so when henchmen come, he kills them with his rush. Just jump when he rushes, take the gunz and try to be shooting him all the time. Do this till he drops you outside. Outside, just make sure you are near enemies and tricky will flame them for you. OWN HIM WITH ALL GUNS YOU TAKE and decide if you will let tricky live or punch him to reveal his face.
Some uefull tips about enemies and ammo:
All enemies tend to use their weapons some seconds after they see you. If you fist them fist them from as far as you can because if they touch you you fell down.
EDIT: Hotdogs may make you feel better about yourself when you have low health, but take them immediatly. They raise your health.
Make Tricky kill henchmen for you:D
Edit3(madness mode tips): Now things are rough, tricky has much moar health and guards can shot you. This is the hardest. MAke sure you shoot the guards on first sight, and always synchronise with tricky, because he is faster in madness mode. Here is what you must do. First, note that grunts are very clever and they fire at will. Keep them busy or steal their weapon. They have much health. The chainsaw is very tough to be got there, because you spend its energy on killing grunts and you have no energy for tricky left. When you face tricky's humn form, make him rush to kill incoming grunts. Note the the shotgun of the mad toture agent does not kill grunts immediately. Try to die while facing the last form of tricky to gain health. Then jsut fight him with whatever weapon you pick up. Here, he can fire his fireballs like cannonballs, so let him kill grunts behind you. A bit difficult but with synchronisation you can do it. Good luck guys.
(Can anyone tell me how to make a video of me finishing the game so I can show it here?)
A medal tips list:
Facerape medal can be get when you get the chainsaw and cut the face of the big grunt.
A winner is you medal can be gained by beating the game.
The true face of evil medal is gained by punching tricky's face.
Pacifist medal can be gained if you decide to leave tricky live his life.
Thanks to flyingmonkey456 for helping me on this.
Edit3:Madness Mode: Finish the game on madness mode, this is difficult.
Here we have a list of the health tricky will should have to make you proceed at the next levels:
The mag toture agent(tahnking chainsaw murderer for the name) will drop you when below 200 health. Edit: Now Tricky's human sized form drops you to the next stage below ~170 health.
Thanks to Rhunyc for letting me add this pic to the walkthrough:D
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just a few things i want to mention. first of all, saving hot dogs is useless. you'll still get three extra HP whether you use them immediately or wait until later. second, bosses kill henchmen in one hit and it's very easy to lure them into the boss' attack. i notice you don't have any of the medals. in order to get "a winner is you", simply beat tricky. in order to get "true face of evil", attack tricky after you beat him and he's crawling on the ground. his mask comes off. "facerape" is gotten in the room immediately after you get the chainsaw. once in this room, do not jump down and keep your chainsaw. wait until the giant sticks his head through the door, then chainsaw his face. the medal takes a few seconds to get, just keep sawing. i don't know how to get "pacifist", but i'll let you know as soon as i do.